Tag Archives: mom

happy new year

Happy new year lovelies! We have been a busy little family these past few weeks. With planning a small party, cleaning up from said party, shopping, wrapping, packing, traveling, celebrating, finalizing new house stuff and dealing with a sick little man, time is flying. Bodhi had his first ear infection over Christmas. Between the travel to my hometown, several extra rough nights of no sleep (for all three of us) and the regular holiday hoopla, we are exhausted and thankful to have survived the holidays and to be in a nice warm Minnesota in January. No, really! It’s been an unseasonably warm and snow-less winter so far.

Sleeping Bodhi (after a nap-less afternoon)---Not relevant to the post, but so sweet. He didn't wake up when we took him out of the car seat.

My resolution for 2012 besides be a good mama and wife, live in the moment and blog more often than once every three weeks is simple. I just want to give myself permission to relax once in a while. This, my friends, is the reason I have been absent for weeks. I’ve been taking time to enjoy long naps with Bodhi, cook dinner with my husband and relax a bit. Although I tend to be someone who sets many goals (and often accomplishes them), I am taking it easy in 2012. We’ve had a lot of change (new baby, new job, new home) this past year and I’m still adjusting to our new normal.

With that said, I’m excited to share my plans for Bodhi’s first birthday, how I’ll celebrate the big 3-0 in March and the progress on our new home as it happens.

What’s new with you? What new year’s resolutions or goals do you have for 2012? Mamas—are you also giving yourself a break or are you hoping to pick it up a bit this year?


Filed under baby

monday {momday} — six unique baby gift ideas for new moms

Once again, please welcome Lisa of My inner fashionlogue to monday {momday}. Lisa specializes in finding the most fashionable items for mamas and babies! Seriously. You should see her child! And you should see the lovely gifts she recently gave our friend Leila and all the great stuff she got for Bodhi before he was born. The items Lisa got us quickly became must-have items and are our absolute favorites. Enjoy! ♥Jessica

On the hunt for a unique baby gift OR getting the itch to add to your own baby collection? I have been somewhat obsessed with finding unique and fashionable baby gear and clothing since planning for the arrival of my son who arrived last August. And I especially love giving my new mama friends the things I loved and used with my own baby.

All picks are guaranteed to get major mileage, are practical, super stylish, and will definitely land a huge smile on that fancy new mama’s face. Enjoy!!

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Hanna Anderson for Serena & Lily Organic Cotton Baby Sleeper, $36
These cozy sleepers are available in Serena and Lily’s chic signature prints! It is a little expensiv-o for a sleeper but perfect if you’re looking for a single, unique gift that can not be found in department stores. I am in L-O-V-E with many of the great gender neutral color combinations!

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Jelly Cat Stuffed Animals, $19.95
Hands down the cutest, softest, most plush and cuddly stuffed animals!

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Me in Mind Sneaker and Mary Jane socks, $26 for pair of 6
Not only are these socks super cute and fashionable, but I can personally attest that they are super durable. My son has been wearing these socks just about every day since he was only a few months old and even now at almost 14 months, they are in great shape – no fading, no holes, and no falling apart at all! I have about 12 pairs of only these socks in rotation 7 days a weeks, and it has worked out great. Oh and they even have a free lost sock replacement program to combat missing sock syndrome!

{photo credit---Aden + Anais}

Aden + Anais for Serena & Lily Swaddle Blankets, $50
Probably my favorite gifts for new moms, these fantastic new prints are also on my wish list for baby#2 (due in Feb). If you’re not familiar with the brand, just google Aden & Anais and you’ll see the countless rave reviews. I can not say enough about the versatility of these oversized, breathable muslin swaddles – they can be used as stroller and car seat covers, blankets, swaddles, portable crib sheets (I used them as sheets in my mini crib). And at almost 14 months, my son still uses them as his crib blanket at home and daycare. As an added bonus, they get better with every wash!

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Onesies from TrulySanctuary, $15.99
If you’re looking for one-of-kind, then etsy is the place! There are lots of great onesies to choose from – some cute, some funny, some a bit unconventional.

Gift Certificate for a blow out at a local hair salon, starting at $25
This gift is for the new mama herself. Who has time to get pretty with a newborn in the picture? This gives mama some much needed pampering and a reason to get out alone, if even for only an hour. If you live in the Twin Cities, the place to go is the Jon Charles Salon, known for their legendary Euro Shine Blow-Dry. Starting at just $25, you should try it for yourself, you will not be disappointed with the shiny, volumizing results that easily last 3 days.

xx Lisa


Filed under baby, monday {momday}, Uncategorized

monday {momday} — a bright baby shower — sneak peek

My weekend was super busy and fun-filled. A family photo shoot and a baby shower took up most of our time. I helped with a ton of do-it-yourself details for this bright and modern baby shower on Saturday for my childhood friend Leah. Mamas—give Leah a warm welcome to motherhood—expecting her baby girl Nov. 13. Here is a sneak peek of the shower and a photo of the mama-to-be with Angie, the shower host and the soon-to-be new auntie!

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More to come this week on live the fancy life!



Filed under baby, fancy host, fancy party tips, monday {momday}

monday {momday} — saving $$$

{photo credit---my lovely hubby}

Mamas (and other caregivers of little ones)! We all want to save some money, right?! There are better things to spend our cash on than diapers, formula, nursing pads etc… so anywhere we can find a discount is a good thing. If you don’t already know about Amazon Mom, you need to know! Here are the details!

Sign up for Amazon Mom and you get free 2-day shipping on anything available on Amazon.com (through Amazon, not other shops). Combine that with some great Amazon Mom discounts and Amazon’s subscribe and save option, and you will be saving some serious $$$! You will get 30 percent off select diapers and wipes and 15 percent off (nearly) everything else!

For example, a case (4 packs of 35 diapers) of Seventh Generation diapers that normally runs $38 is only $26 with subscribe and save. They send us a case every month on the first. We can change our order anytime—less diapers, more diapers, different date etc… or even cancel! You can see all of the items available for subscribe and save here.

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And the free shipping applies to everything including gifts. We just ordered some aden+anais muslin bamboo swaddle blankets for a friend at a discounted price and they received them in two days! p.s. If I haven’t said it enough, I want to stress how much I LOVE these blankets for everything. We use them as pack ‘n’ play sheets, nursing covers, changing pad covers, stroller and carseat covers to shield a sleepy baby from the sun and noise and so much more!

In the coming weeks, we will welcome MaryBeth (MB) as a contributor to monday {momday} with a focus on saving money. MB is a mom of one amazing little guy named David and soon to be a mom of baby #2 (boy or girl?), a blogger, freelance writer for the Fridley Patch with a focus on saving money, and owner of Top Drawer Vintage, an online vintage shop.

How do you save money on lovely things (and necessities) for your little one? Please share! Live the fancy life! ♥Jessica

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Filed under baby, fancy deals, monday {momday}

{sale alert} — Old Navy baby & Trumpette socks

Two quick sales notices for you this morning! Zulily is featuring Trumpette socks for boys and girls! I have my eye on several styles for boys, but none are currently featured on zulily. You can, however, snatch these mary jane style for girls for $11.99, about half the price you would pay at baby boutiques!

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And Old Navy is having a baby sale this weekend with items starting at $5, free socks and 30 percent off many cute little styles. They also have an additional 15 or 20 percent off if you shop online using code {ONSAVEBIG}. I never buy baby clothes for full price so I’m eyeing a pair of brown corduroys with a belt for Bodhi.

The little ones really only wear each item a handful of times with the exception of a few favorites. For us, these jeans have been one of our staples. I bought them for Bodhi before he was born in 0-3 month size and recently bought them in 3-6 months. Cute, comfy and they have a fake belt! 🙂

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And if I had a daughter, I’d be all over this bright and comfy sweater dress!

{photo credit---OldNavy.com}

Between cute coats and hats, great jeans and sweater dresses and some Halloween goodies, this sale is a mamas dream! Here are a few of my favorite items I found while online shopping this morning—a jacket and shirt for a boy and the same for a girl.

{photo credit---OldNavy.com}

Do you know of any hot sales? Please share at livethefancylife@gmail.com. Happy weekend!


Filed under baby, fancy deals, sale alert

monday {momday} — fancy little feet

As a part of our new monday {momday} series, we will welcome several fabulous guests beginning today! While it’s technically Tuesday, it sure feels like a Monday after a nice long weekend, so here is our second monday {momday} feature. Please give a warm welcome to our first guest Lisa who will focus on mom, baby and maternity fashion! ♥Jessica

Hello fancy readers, it’s Lisa from MyInnerFashionlogue. I am beyond excited to contribute to live the fancy life!

My little guy took his first steps right before turning 11 months and now at just over 1 year, he has mastered full on running! All summer long, we’ve let him toddle around barefoot indoors and with socks only outdoors. While it has helped him master walking, it is not very practical for tackling the outdoor terrain and not to mention the upcoming chilly fall/winter season.

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While his Jack Purcell Converse and Pumas are fashionable, they are proving to be a bit too bulky for the new walker. We have recently had many failed attempts and lots of laughs at encouraging him to walk in his shoes. They are just not cutting it, so I am on the market for new walker friendly shoes.

I’ve been eyeing these Freshly Picked moccasins for a while now. With flexible soles (easier for baby to walk in) and buttery soft leather, these handmade moccasins are the perfect combo of fashion and function. I’m really digging the weathered leather ones, but check out the Freshly Picked store for lots of variety.

Hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend!

xx Lisa

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Filed under baby, monday {momday}

monday {momday} — aden+anais sale

Happy labor day everyone! Starting next week, Monday is going to be momday (a nice little feature for all parents) on live the fancy life with some very special contributors. Watch for posts with the title monday {momday} for all of the goods. Tonight I have a great sale for you and tomorrow we will have a guest post by Lisa of My Inner Fashionlogue with some fancy fashion for the wee ones.

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If you love aden + anais as much as I do, you will love the sale going on now at 77kids.com. All aden + anais items (as well as everything else on the site) is an additional 40 percent off when you use the code {28678011} at checkout. These are prints you can’t find anywhere else. The patterns aren’t for everyone, but they are the same soft cozy fabric you find on all aden + anais products at a fraction of the cost.

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I am a huge fan of the burpy bibs—perfect as burp cloths and they double as amazing bibs that fit all the way around. Bodhi is teething right now, so drool is a nonstop challenge. We go through two or three burp cloths each day and the muslin ones don’t irritate his skin. They are soft, versatile and adorable. Enjoy!

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Filed under baby, fancy deals, monday {momday}

free favor tags for the airplane

When I host parties, I always search my favorite hosting blogs for free printable goods for my theme before heading to a few of my favorite paper stores to create my own. Today I came across a genius idea on one of my favorite blogs—Birthday Girl. She created “favors” for the airplane to entice people to be patient, kind and understanding if (and more likely when) her daughter had a meltdown on the airplane. She and her husband were treated superbly as everyone appreciated this gesture. How smart is she?

Photo credit---BirthdayGirlBlog.com

To make this idea even sweeter, she is offering the printable favor tag for free on her blog with options of he, she and they. As a new mom and a mom who loves to travel, I will certainly be using these in the near future.


Filed under baby, fancy things

my list of must-have items for baby

Preparing for baby, I found myself reading lots and lots of blogs by mamas of all sorts. This really helped me to narrow down what was important. As first time parents, we definitely gave in to many items that for us, turned out to be not as useful as we hoped and at the same time we ended up going out to buy items after we brought Bodhi home that we probably should’ve had before he arrived.

My list of must-have items for our baby will probably be very different from almost any other parent. Every baby is so unique, but in my experience with Bodhi, these items rock and are key to a successful day in our little world!

A baby carrier—we have the Baby Bjorn. Bodhi falls asleep in this thing on walks, at the grocery store, at parks and even while we bounce on an exercise ball which I am doing right now. We call the exercise ball and Bjorn combination the “magic sleep button.” Even at his fussiest, this combo is perfect. I’ve heard wonderful things about the Ergo-Baby Carrier as well. This all leads to…

An exercise ball—while not technically a baby item, this has worked wonders for us and also works for my friend and her now 7-month-old.

Summer Infant Swaddles—we started off swaddling Bodhi at night with Aden and Anais swaddle wraps but found it to be difficult to get the perfect wrap in our sleepy middle of the night state. While at a local baby store recently, I saw the velcro Summer Infant SwaddleMe cotton swaddles and bought one. It is perfect! So easy in the night and pretty hard for our little guy to break free of it. We bought two more and just rotate them with a short-sleeve onesy for night-time since it’s getting pretty hot now.

Photo credit---AdenandAnais.com

Aden and Anais swaddle wraps—I didn’t love them for swaddling only because neither my husband or I are good at creating a strong swaddle and Bodhi is like Houdini! He magically frees himself in seconds. We use several each day as blankets since they are so light and it’s getting hot. We also use these to cover the stroller or to cover Bodhi when he’s in the Bjorn if it’s windy or sunny. They are great and look good too!

White noise machine or other white noise maker—we use our iPhones and a white noise app hooked up to a speaker system. Very helpful at night.

Earth Mama Angel Baby Natural Nipple Butter—Sorry if this is too much information for the non-parents reading my blog. If so, please skip to the next one. 🙂 I’m past the pains of breastfeeding now so rarely use it, but this all-natural balm was wonderful and even worked well on Bodhi’s cracked skin right after birth. Many babies and their mamas are allergic to wool, so lanolin based products don’t work as well.

Boppy or other nursing pillow—I would actually recommend having two. Moving it from room to room when your baby is hungry can be a struggle. The boppy is also where I prop Bodhi up during his “play” time which is really just him staring at things and making cute sounds.

Bath-belly-cover-thingy—I don’t even know what it’s called, but the fish thing on Bodhi in the photo to the left was recommended by my good friend as it helped keep her little man warm during baths. We registered for it at Target. Bodhi stays calm and warm with this on him and after the first bath at home (real bath, not sponge bath) with him screaming like a mad man, we learned that warmth is the key to baby bathing success. A shout-out to my good friend Ann who gave us this!

Seventh Generation diapers—everyone does their own thing with diapers. We considered cloth and just didn’t feel committed to it enough to pay for the start-up supplies. Out of several brands of chemical-free diapers, we found Seventh Generation to leak the least and to fit Bodhi comfortably.

Photo credit---Lifefactory.com

LifeFactory glass bottles—a new purchase, these bottles are light, won’t break thanks to a cute silicone sleeve and are dishwasher safe (no plastic). So far so good with these bottles. Bodhi rarely uses a bottle as it is mostly just when the hubby and I go on date night or I’m at the mall alone and he has a hunger-fit! I’m not currently comfortable nursing in public.

A great stroller—this can be any stroller that works for you. For me, we love our Uppa Baby Vista because it is so easy to fold and maneuvers like a miracle! I see other moms in store aisles having a hard time turning their strollers while ours, even though it is fairly large, makes sharp turns. I think the key here is that you or whoever will spend the most time with your baby needs to be able to fold and unfold it quickly! I am able to go out fairly often with Bodhi (or I was able to until he recently realized he hates the carseat so car rides are tough) thanks to a stroller that I can manage well.

While we bought nearly everything under the sun, we don’t find swings, bouncers, bottle warmers, wipe warmers, the Sleep Sheep and other gadgets to be helpful at this time. They seem to just take up space for us. Some moms and dads swear by them though, so don’t take my word for it. Bodhi enjoyed his Mamaroo the first couple of weeks but now screams after seconds of being placed in it. The highest speed seems to be too slow for him. We’ll let you know if this all changes.

Photo credit---booninc.com

Now, any moms and dads out there have thoughts on the Boon Flair high chair? The high chair is the only major purchase we have left for this first year. With our very modern taste, this fits the bill for us.

I have a friend who is expecting in the fall and I promised to give her a list of must-have and can-live-without items. What works for you and your baby? What items do you wish you could still return and throw the money into a Maui fund? Off to the zoo with two of my best girlfriends and their children. One is here from North Carolina on her way as she moves to Kodiak, Alaska! She’s a Coastguard wife.

Happy Friday everyone! Live the fancy life!


Filed under baby, fancy things