free favor tags for the airplane

When I host parties, I always search my favorite hosting blogs for free printable goods for my theme before heading to a few of my favorite paper stores to create my own. Today I came across a genius idea on one of my favorite blogs—Birthday Girl. She created “favors” for the airplane to entice people to be patient, kind and understanding if (and more likely when) her daughter had a meltdown on the airplane. She and her husband were treated superbly as everyone appreciated this gesture. How smart is she?


To make this idea even sweeter, she is offering the printable favor tag for free on her blog with options of he, she and they. As a new mom and a mom who loves to travel, I will certainly be using these in the near future.


Filed under baby, fancy things

4 responses to “free favor tags for the airplane

  1. ooh, I had never seen that blog before! I added it to my reader – thanks for the heads-up!

  2. So sweet. Love this, Jessica! I give so much credit to traveling parents!

  3. Jana

    Hmm, I just booked a trip with a 8 month old, might have to use these! Great idea.
    Thanks for sharing

  4. Nesikah

    This idea is awesome. I am a flight attendant and I see the crying babies all the time. Unfortunately some passengers don’t understand at all, but this is certainly a way to soften your neighbors and get you free booze from the flight attendants. Jessica, I found your blog from the modern baby room you posted. I ordered paper lanterns to recreate the collage you made for the ceiling. I’m wondering how do you put them together to have that “collage” look? I know you used fishing line, but do you actually sew them together?

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