Tag Archives: 1st birthday




We had so much fun at Bodhi’s birthday. After being sick for a week and a few bumps and bruises last week, he was all healed up and ready to party. All kinds of wonderful people showed up and celebrated with us. And Bodhi did really well with a strange nap scheduled. He powered through and had a blast. I wasn’t expecting him to have so much fun, but every time I turned a corner in our home, there he was… laughing, smiling or saying “hi” to someone and constantly walking through the sea of adult legs to get to another kid for a hug or kiss. He loved every minute!

We decided to have a professional photographer this time around so I really can’t wait to show you the photos. This was totally worth the investment for us. She was able to get family photos and lots of candids and detail shots. This meant I could just relax and enjoy my little baby/toddler and all of our guests. Watch for all of the details in the coming weeks! What is your favorite memory of your child’s first birthday or any of your own childhood birthdays?


Filed under baby, happy hosting

moving update and kid party favors

{photo credit --- my little otter on etsy}

We’re in! And we have a yellow door. I’ll share that with you soon. After a week off from work and everything else really, we are officially moved into our new home but not completely settled. We have way too much unpacking to do and a lot of decorating needed. We’ll take it slow since we also have a little someone’s birthday bash to focus on. Continue reading

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Filed under baby, fancy host, happy hosting, {home design}